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What is a mind massage?

A mind massage is a half-hour of hypnosis with suggestions tailored to help you relax, to feel better, and to prepare yourself for the future.

During the session, you can let go of your stress, (both physically and mentally), clear your mind of any negativity, and create space so that you can look towards the future more positively.

If you'd like to book a Mind Massage then send this email and add any details you wish, such as prospective dates or personal requirements, and I will respond accordingly.

Want to give a Mind Massage as a gift?


This will make a wonderful gift for someone you know who has helped you out recently, or who perhaps has gone through a lot themselves. They will be able to choose a male (me), or a female therapist (my colleague, Ursula James) and they don't even need to leave their favourite chair to take advantage of their Mind Massage.


To book a Mind Massage as a gift, just contact me using the usual form and I'll walk you through the process.


If you wish to arrange for a group of up to 10 individuals for £125, then please contact me for availability.